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As a licensed sperm bank, we strictly follow national regulations on family limits. In addition to national pregnancy limits, we have set worldwide limits on the number of families per donor. The majority of our donors have a limit of 75 families, but in selected markets (the UK , Ireland and the Netherlands) we now also offer donors with a worldwide limit of 25 families.
For those who prefer an even lower family limit, we have donors who help a smaller number of families.
If you prefer to limit the number of families further, we offer additional options. You can find these donors by using the filter in the donor search overview and selecting 1, 5, or 15 families. When choosing one of these donors, you purchase a combined solution containing sperm straws, storage, and a pregnancy slot.
15 families worldwide
Donor sperm from Family15 donors can be used by up to 15 reported families. Choosing a Family15 donor includes:
5 families worldwide
Donors with a Family5 limit can only be used by four other families apart from yours. Choosing a Family5 donor includes:
Only your family can use the donor
Choosing a Family1 donor means that only your family can use the given donor's sperm to have a child. Choosing a Family1 donor includes:
You can explore donors and narrow your search by using the filters on the donor overview page. If you want details on how to purchase or have a deeper conversation about the donors, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Details on the pricing of our donors can be found here.
We keep track of the number of families by closely monitoring reported pregnancies. In rare cases, a donor may contribute to more than the family limit. This can happen if a pregnancy is reported late.
On average, our donors help 25 families worldwide.
Yes, our family limits apply per family, not per child, so you can use the same donor for full siblings.
The majority of our donors have a family limit of 75 families worldwide. Family25 is a new offer only available in selected markets, but we are working towards expanding the Family25-limit to more countries.