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Become a sperm donor

How it works


Start by filling in our online application form. You chose a date and time for your first visit. Your sperm sample will be analysed, and if successfully approved, we will invite you to the next steps.


You will meet with our donor coordinator to discuss your family history, to rule out any serious hereditary disorders. You will also be provided with further information about what it means to be a sperm donor.

3Health Check

You will have a physical examination with one of our doctors. Hereafter a blood and urine sample will be taken. The results are analysed and approved by our geneticist. You will be compensated for blood samples and the physical examination.

4Counselling and Profile

The last step is counselling with our donor coordinator. We will finalise your profile and record an audio interview. Following successful completion of this stage, you will be approved as a qualified donor. At this step, you will also be compensated.

Apply now

Become a sperm donor

Apply now

Enter your year of birth

Where do you want to donate?

Choose a date for your appointment

It is important that you do not ejaculate 48 hours before giving a sperm sample

Select a time period

Unfortunately, you cannot apply to become a sperm donor

Personal and contact information






How it works

First visit to European sperm bank

On your first visit to the sperm bank, simply turn up at the clinic and identify yourself at the reception (please bring ID). We will ask you how many hours it has been since your last ejaculation. It must be between 48 and 72 hours.

You will then receive a cup and be shown to a room, where you will deposit your sample. When finished, just leave your sample at the reception desk.

Within a week, you will receive an answer telling you if your sperm count is good enough to become a donor. If so, you can continue with the donation process. The screening of sperm quality is not diagnostic and cannot replace a doctor’s visit.

Good advice

Improving your sperm quality

Many men are able to improve their fertility with a few simple measures. Note that these are general pieces of advice to be combined with a healthy lifestyle: 

  • Exercise regularly
  • Don't smoke
  • Maintain a healthy diet
  • Get at least 8 hours of sleep every night
  • Cut back on your alcohol consumption
  • Avoid drugs and anabolic steroids
  • Don't have unprotected sex (STIs like chlamydia could harm your fertility)
  • Get tested regularly for STIs 

Frequently asked questions

Below you can find answers to our most frequently asked questions – our FAQs.
If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to call us on+45 8777 1757 or write donor@europeanspermbank.com

You can choose to remain anonymous to any children and parents, but European Sperm Bank should know you.

Of all sperm banks, we have the most donor locations in Copenhagen. You can donate in one of our Copenhagen departments (København N, København K, Islands Brygge), in Lyngby, Aarhus and Aalborg.

We ask you to donate at least four times per month.

Once you have been accepted as a donor, you’ll get DKK 300 per approved donation. For each approved donation, 200 DKK will be transferred to your bank account once a week and the remaining 100 DKK is paid out roughly once every three months; this is dependent on your routine blood and urine tests showing that you have no sexually transmitted diseases.

On top of these amounts, you also get financial compensation for all your blood tests. The compensation is regulated by law.

If you’ve not had any sexually transmitted diseases for a whole year and have donated frequently, you’ll be eligible to receive an average of 6,000 DKK per month in compensation. This includes a free Fitness World membership (worth 300 DKK per month), which is activated as soon as you qualify. 

Read more about being a sperm donor.

Frequently asked questions
Apply now

Become a sperm donor

Apply now

Enter your year of birth

Where do you want to donate?

Choose a date for your appointment

It is important that you do not ejaculate 48 hours before giving a sperm sample

Select a time period

Unfortunately, you cannot apply to become a sperm donor

Personal and contact information




